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Our collection of natural cleaning products for your kitchen has everything you could need to keep your kitchen sparkling. Choose from the range of eco-friendly cleaning products to clean all kitchen surfaces and floors, as well as natural oven cleaners, natural dishwasher cleaners and kettle descalers.


Can I clean my kitchen without chemicals?

Choose natural kitchen cleaning products to ensure that you are not using any toxic chemicals which can be bad for your health and bad for the environment when they get into water systems.

What is a natural cleaning alternative to bleach?

An effective natural cleaning solution as an alternative to bleach is called natural or oxygen bleach. This is effective as removing any food or tea stains, unblocking sinks and as a general kitchen cleaner.

Are eco-friendly kitchen cleaning products effective?

Most cleaning products labelled as eco-friendly have been shown to be just as effective an non-eco alternatives as they remove dirt and grime in ways that we used to before synthetic and toxic chemicals were being used.


Switching to a natural cleaning routine in your kitchen is easy with these non-toxic, organic and eco cleaning products. At Life Before Plastic, we're helping you to reduce your environmental footprint even further, through these natural kitchen cleaning products.