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Collection: Blush & Bronzer

Vegan Blush & Vegan Bronzer For a Flush of Colour

A collection of vegan blush and bronzers to warm up skin and give it that sun-kissed glow. These natural blushes are made from organic ingredients and packaged without any plastic. From the leading eco-friendly makeup brands Zao makeup and Love the Planet, you'll be sure to find the right vegan blush and bronzer for your makeup look. 

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Using vegan blush and vegan bronzer is a sure way to give your skin a glow whilst still caring for the environment. Natural makeup is not only better for the planet but also for your skin, and using one of these natural blush or bronzers is not compromising on quality or functionality. 

With refillable makeup options like refillable blush powders, and with zero waste recyclable packaging, these blushers are the perfect inclusion in a vegan beauty regime. 

Here at Life Before Plastic, we've sourced the most eco-friendly blush and bronzer products available, from Zao makeup and Love the Planet eco makeup brands, so you can have that long lasting glow. Choose a vegan blush and bronzer to add to your makeup collection today.